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Pneuma-Tool Inc. has been manufacturing and marketing its line of rock drill lubricants since 2010 when we developed a patented series of rock-drill lubricants that have been proven to solve most of the problems associated with air-tool lubrication.
Foremost among these issues was the elimination of oil fog (oil mist). Our lubricants help protect the functioning of miners’ lungs, eliminate slip / fall hazards, improve visibility so that miners can work more productively, reduce ventilation requirements at headings (ideal for shaft sinking, raise mining), and improve miners’ cleanliness and hygiene (no smell, no odour, no taste).
Pneuma-Tool™ is a high performance, severe-service pneumatic lubricant. Mining equipment exerts tremendous torque and load on drill mechanisms, sufficient to cause a complete breakdown of regular rock drill oil. Once the oil breaks down, equipment fails. Pneuma-Tool™ is the only rock drill lubricant built to take extreme heat.
Pneuma-Tool Inc. has focused on proving our product line in our own back yard, with well established Canadian producing mines and with our experienced global mining contractors.
These experiences have enabled us to perfect rock drill lubricants that provide exceptional lubrication and oil fog free operation at temperature extremes ranging from +65C. to -51C.
Our challenge from the outset was to get the mining community to try Pneuma-Tool™, because many lubricant manufacturers in the past have tried to resolve the inherent problems with pneumatic tool lubrication and failed.
We have learned that TRYING Pneuma-Tool™ is BELIEVING in the product, having developed a considerable following of mining companies, miners, mechanics and health and safety personnel who endorse Pneuma-Tool™ based on its ability to deliver on its promises.